Relativity Space / Integrated Performance Engineer Intern

Long Beach, CA (May 2023 - Aug 2023, May 2024 - July 2024)

Further solidifying my previous experience in simulation/analysis, here I developed a convection tool and GUI that allowed for various input parameters and geometries, implemented a simulation post processing tool for obtaining the heat flow between subgroups, conducted research into aft end protection and ullage diffuser effects on propellant tanks, and modeled the transient buildup of frost on the exterior of the launch vehicle. I also created and analyzed thermal models of the Terran R throttle valve actuator, electrical cables, and thermal protection system.

University of Michigan / Graduate Student Instructor

Ann Arbor, MI (Jan 2024 - Dec 2024)

I instructed ME395 (Lab I) sections. Primarily, I taught and guided students to run/troubleshoot vibration, vapor compression cycle, aluminum tensile/fracture, DC motor control, blower, and wind tunnel experiments. In addition, I held office hours, answered technical questions, and graded lab reports.

Rivian / Aerothermal Systems Engineer Intern

Irvine, CA (May 2022 - Aug 2022)

I evaluated heat management with composite materials and the associated potential range improvements for EDV and R1S. In addition, I automated a StarCCM+ simulation workflow, reducing the number of steps by 66%. Furthermore, I developed a long term insulation pack for human comfort by optimizing insulation location, geometry, material, and thickness; this solution was used in 15,000 vehicles. It took into account various factors, including forced convection from external airflow, the varying solar heat load thoroughout the day, and the cargo door. I also determined evaporator cooling power required for varying ambient conditions, for human comfort/safety in EDV cargo compartment. Finally, I quantified the benefits of different EDV roof colors, and conducted material stack configuration and fan characterization testing. This was a great experience in approaching and reducing complex problems comprehensively, in order to fully understand and explore the entire design space when searching for a solution.

Tesla / Manufacturing Engineer Intern

Austin, TX (Jan 2022 - May 2022)

I streamlined the Model Y fascia assembly line and reduced the cycle time using process flow layouts and time studies. I also designed and assembled quality inspection light fixtures, as well as a 2QPC buffer storage method to accommodate urgent process needs. I established standard work procedures for the front and rear fascia assembly process, trained operators, and supported production teams. Finally, I presented and coordinated a major design change review for the assembly line, reducing finished goods transfer time by 70%. I learned a lot about managing and balancing the diverse goals and requirements of multiple stakeholders.

H.A. Automotive Systems / Design Engineer Intern

Troy, MI (June 2021 - Jan 2022)

I conducted Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (DFMEA) on headlamps and taillamps. I also employed CAD and DFM principles to model plastic/metal components and enclosures, as well as improve the aesthetics and structural stiffness of proposed products. In particular, I designed, assembled, and validated a green filter headlamp prototype which was adopted by GM as a benchmark/proof of concept, resulting in $100,000 additional market value revenue. Highlights included designing the housing, carrier board, mechanical PCB layout, and heat sink for this application, as well as conducting optical/colorimetry testing. Overall, I learned how to own a product from start to end of the engineering process.


A 3D printed drone for aerial photography, designed for stability, long endurance, and heavy modular payloads. My electric ducted fan powered design features a 48 in. wingspan, high aspect ratio wings, and is controlled using 2 elevons. Camera is removable and mounted below the fuselage for good field of view. Potential future work could involve autonomous/preplanned flights. Manufacturing is still a work in progress.

Satellite Constellation Network Analysis

Analysis of the connectivity and network topology between existing satellite constellations (Iridium and Starlink), to assess relay optimization, robustness, and latency. This is accomplished by determining the connectivity and weighted undirected adjacency matrices for the network at a given moment in time, assuming that the Earth is the only obstruction to line of sight to intersatellite communication. This involved processing TLE data and propagating the orbits using the Keplerian elements using MATLAB to determine each position and speed. The network uses satellite positions as nodes, connections as edges, and simulates a dynamic model of network behavior to obtain the centrality and relative importance of each node.

Microstructure Characterization of Additively Manufactured Steel

This research project involved image processing EBSD scans of additively manufactured stainless steel. This involved characterization and data analysis of the microstructure (grain and pores) using MTEX. The pore distribution, diameter, sphericity, volume, and connectivity by number of adjacent grains were analyzed. Methods (using connected components and voxels) used were successfully validated by checking smaller sections. The results enable understanding and visualization of overall sample microstructure and statistics, and also assist in identification of regions of interest.

Electrospray Microthruster

A thruster that was designed and analyzed for ME553 (Microelectromechanical Systems). Electrospray microthruster technology shows potential for applications such as small satellite missions due to low mass, compact size, adaptability, modularity, and precise propulsive forces. Literature reviews were conducted to incorporate nanoscale emitters that can achieve higher thrust densities and exploit geometric trends. A microthruster was proposed/sized to meet mass, thrust, specific impulse, and input voltage specifications for a lunar cubesat.

Mechatronics Linkage

A four-bar linkage that was designed and manufactured to compete and win the ME350 (Design & Manufacturing II) competition. The objective was to rotate a flashlight to target various photosensors indicated by raised flags located throughout a playing field. Using proximity sensors, the system detected the state of the flags, and used a controller to move the light beam to the necessary location and orientation. The team designed and simulated a lightweight system that was rigid, consistent/simple to setup, minimized rotational inertia and traversal time, and had a relatively low transmission angle deviation. Calibration was performed using a limit switch and accounted for hysteresis.

Robot Machine Player

A remote-controlled robot that was designed and manufactured to compete and win the ME250 (Design & Manufacturing I) competition. Key objectives included the ability to traverse rough terrain/inclines, hold open a door, collect cubes from the other robots, pick cubes up, and transport cubes. Constraints included dimensions, cost, and number of motors used. Extensive waterjetting, laser cutting, and mill/lathe was used, in addition to 3D printing for rapid iteration. Mechanisms used included rollers and a conveyor belt.

Smart Sink

Smart, low cost faucet attachment that measures the water rate and volume through a faucet. An Arduino in a 3D printed case calculates the total water usage through a flow meter, and sends the data through Bluetooth to a user-friendly Android app. The objective was to reduce water consumption through improved monitoring and awareness (ironically, a lot of water was used in order to validate the prototype).

MSE Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan Ann Arbor

(Jan 2024 - Dec 2024)

Digital Control Systems, Finite Element Methods in MEAM, Adv Batteries, Experimental Design, Microelectromechanical Systems, Design Optimization, Robotic Kinematics & Dynamics, Nanofabrication, Mathematics of Biological Networks (GPA: 4.00)

BSE Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan Ann Arbor

(Aug 2021 - Dec 2023)

Adv Energy Sol, Sustainable Eng, Solar Thermal Sys, Research (GPA: 3.97)

BS Aerospace Engineering (transferred), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

(Jun 2019 - May 2021)

Discrete Structures, Data Structures, Flight Mechanics, Mechanics of Aerospace Structures, Incompressible Flow, Computer Architecture, Numerical Methods, Algorithms (GPA: 3.80)













Thermal Desktop








3D Printing



Laser Cutting

Flute & Piccolo

I played the flute and piccolo (and sometimes alto flute) for all four years of high school. I was part of our marching band (section leader, squad leader), symphonic band, symphony orchestra, and pit orchestra. I also played in the MSBOA All-State Band, MYAF Band, and Detroit Symphony Youth Wind Ensemble. Nowadays I play every once in a while for church gatherings/events.


I was on my high school varsity swim team for my junior and senior years of high school, with my main competitive events being freestyle sprints. I still swim regularly for exercise.


I was on my high school golf team for all four years of high school. I don't play as much these days, but still try to get out on the driving range when the weather's nice.